New Editions Now Available in Radio Holland eLIBRARY
Radio Holland is pleased to announce the release of several new editions of critical nautical technical publications in the Radio Holland eLIBRARY application. These additions serve as comprehensive resources for maritime professionals, ensuring compliance with international standards and enhancing operational safety and efficiency across various maritime sectors.
Utilize these comprehensive resources in the Radio Holland eLIBRARY application to ensure your maritime operations align with the latest industry standards and best practices.

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Discover our latest nautical technical publications in the Radio Holland eLIBRARY and stay ahead with the newest industry standards and best practices.

New releases
Model Course 1.35 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Tanker Cargo and Ballast Handling Simulator: This course meets mandatory competence standards for advanced liquefied gas tanker cargo operations, focusing on LPG tanker cargo and ballast operations through approved simulator training. Tailored to various experience levels, it helps trainees master essential procedures and equipment in line with international standards.
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code – Including Amendment 42-24 (Spanish): The International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) provides the regulatory framework for handling dangerous goods and marine pollutants in maritime transport.
Stowage & Segregation to IMDG Code including Amendment 42-24 applicable 2025 mandatory 2026: Deepsea shipping of dangerous goods must comply with the IMDG Code’s stowage and segregation safety rules, which can be complex and time-consuming. The Storck Guide simplifies this process significantly.
Manual for Use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services (Maritime Manual), 2024 Edition: Published under Article 20 (No. 20.14) of the Radio Regulations, this manual stems from ITU-R studies since 2008. Volume 1: Describes the organization and operation of the GMDSS and other maritime procedures. Volume 2: Contains regulatory text extracts related to maritime operations.
Radio Regulations 2024 Edition: This edition includes the comprehensive texts of the Radio Regulations initially adopted at the World Radiocommunication Conference of 1995 (WRC-95) and subsequently reviewed by the following conferences: WRC-97 (Geneva, 1997), WRC-2000 (Istanbul, 2000), WRC-03 (Geneva, 2003), WRC-07 (Geneva, 2007), WRC-12 (Geneva, 2012), WRC-15 (Geneva, 2015), WRC-19 (Sharm el-Sheik, 2019), and WRC-23 (Dubai, 2023).
Developing Soft Skills in Mariners: This essential handbook for soft skills training facilitators enhances safety culture, supports seafarer wellbeing, and complements IMO model courses 1.39, 1.40, and 6.09. It features easy-to-understand language, clear diagrams, engaging ideas, and useful checklists, making it indispensable for all soft skills training facilitators.
IMO Circulars COUNCIL: IMO Circulars annual subscription (12 months). Organization And Method Of Work Of The Council
SOLAS Edición refundida de 2024: Among all international conventions on maritime safety, the most crucial is the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), which encompasses a broad range of measures to improve navigational safety. (Language: Spanish)
Underwater Radiated Noise Guide: Underwater radiated noise is recognized as a significant pollutant due to its impact on marine life, disrupting essential functions like communication. To help shipping companies reduce noise levels in their fleets, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and BIMCO developed the Underwater Radiated Noise Guide.
Ship Knowledge – Ship Design, Construction and Operation: Ship Knowledge provides comprehensive information on ships and shipping, detailing all components and systems from design to finished products, including paint systems and legal requirements. It helps readers perceive a ship as a fully autonomous operating unit, akin to a medium-sized city, utilizing modern techniques.
The Ship Captain’s Medical Guide: The Ship Captain’s Medical Guide is designed for use on vessels without an onboard medical professional. It aids crew members in assessing and treating trauma and medical illnesses. Vessels carrying Category A or B stores must have a copy of this guide. The guide also serves as a reference for medical training courses and provides a framework for managing unfamiliar medical issues at sea.