BLOGPOST: Communication is vital for Safety at Sea.
Since the historic accident with the Titanic, we have been aware that radio communications save lives at sea. While once the distress signal was sent with Morse, nowadays there are much more modern systems that send a distress message. One of those systems is the Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB). This is an automatic beacon that, when activated, sends its position via satellites to a Rescue Coordination Center that coordinates the search and rescue mission.
The recently published ‘State of Maritime Safety’ report by IHS Markit revealed that, since 1982, more than 36,000 people have been rescued after an accident at sea by using the EPIRB. This report yearly report gives the maritime industry an overview on maritime safety over the last five years. You can download this report here.
In addition to the EPIRB, other GMDSS equipment on board is also vital for maritime safety. It is therefore important that these systems are regularly checked and certified. Radio Holland carries out these certifications for most classification societies. Want to know more? Find out what we can do for you via Radio, Navigational & VDR surveys page.
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