Introduction Tugs & Workboats
Radio Holland is the specialist for all marine electronics related to Tugs & Workboats, both for newbuild and maintenance, repair and retrofit projects. We supply navigation, communication and observation systems for a wide range of standardized vessels and specials at many shipyards in the Netherlands and abroad. Radio Holland also provides its expert services for the navigation & communications systems in ports and along all the major shipping routes, via our own global network of service stations.
All Radio Holland’s tailor-made solutions for Tugs & Workboats are in line with the current regulations and additionally, any specific requirements from yards and owners regarding Tugs & Workboats can be engineered and delivered. Modern, innovative solutions for the Tugs & Workboats market, such as augmented reality, integrated ECS and entertainment systems, compact integrated navigation systems and ‘fit for the job’ communication systems for Tugs & Workboats are all part of our standard supplies. Radio Holland’s equipment and systems are renowned for their reliability and suitability for the tough working conditions that Tugs & Workboats are often faced with.

We understand that minimum downtime of the equipment is of the utmost importance in the Tugs & Workboats market. This is not only guaranteed by the high-quality standards and reliability of our products from well-known and proven brands such as Furuno, Cobham, Jotron and many others, but also by our highly-skilled service technicians, operating from Radio Holland offices all over the world. Our extensive stock of spare parts, wide variety of tailor-made service contracts and our remote maintenance possibilities, help you to keep your equipment in optimal technical condition, thus guaranteeing minimum downtime wherever your Tug & Workboat job may bring you.
References Tugs & Workboats

GrandMax Crew boat
Radio Holland Middle East supplied, installed and commissioned extensive NavCom packages on four GrandMax crew boats built by Grandweld Shipyard for High Seas Marine & Industrial Services. The packages comprised mainly of the Next-Generation bridge system from Furuno.

Shoalbuster Brutus
The Brutus is a DP2 Shoalbuster from Herman Sr. BV built by Damen Shipyards. Radio Holland Netherlands supplied and installed an extensive navigation and communication package on this shallow water multi-purpose workboat.
Featured products
I Series TVRO Antenna
The Intellian I series is a complete range of the world’s most versatile and dependable 2-axis marine satellite TV antennas
DPT-4500 DP System
RH Marine DPT-4500 DP system has a long track record in the development of applications for Ship Motion Control, all designed to optimize the basic ship operations.
Small, but perfectly formed, SAILOR 600 VSAT Ku is the most advanced 60 cm class Ku-band antenna available today.
More Information?
Do you need more information, just ask us! Our specialists are happy to answer your sales questions and get back to you as soon as possible.