SAILOR 6280 AIS System Class-A
SAILOR 6280 AIS is designed to provide safe and flexible operation based on reliable AIS data making the SAILOR 6280 AIS System one of the most advanced Class A compliant systems available.
You can trust it to reliably broadcast your AIS data and display the data of vessels around you, ensuring your ability to operate safely and efficiently. Operating the SAILOR 6280 AIS System is like using your smartphone; simply activate the functions by activating the app on the display. This is a concept that can truly revolutionize the way to work on the bridge.

Advanced features
- All parts included in the box – even the SAILOR 6285 Active GPS Antenna
- Built-in Self-diagnostic system
- Possibility for one-antenna installation (Common VHF and GPS antenna)
- River use compliant – Compliant with CCNR requirements (Central Commission for navigation on the Rhine)
- Works with both GPS and GLONASS
- Support message for Long Range Satellite tracking on channel 75 & channel 76
- Interface for ‘Pilot Plug’

Touch Innovation
SAILOR has pioneered the use of touch screen bridge equipment with the SAILOR 6018 Message Terminal, which is part of the industry leading SAILOR 6000 GMDSS Series. The new touch display (SAILOR 6004 Control Panel) for the SAILOR 6281 AIS System is a natural progression of this, offering intuitive and familiar control. Operating the SAILOR 6281 AIS System is like using your smartphone; simply activate the functions by activating the app on the display. This is a concept that can truly revolutionize the way to work on the bridge.
Vessel Types Falling Under This Regulation Are
- All ships of 300 gross tonnage and upwards engaged on international voyages
- Cargo ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards not engaged on international voyages
- Passenger ships irrespective of size
Want to know more?
Contact one of our specialists for more information or a quotation, they are more than willing to assist.