argoTrackPilot is the world’s first automatic track-keeping system for inland vessels along pre-defined guiding lines. argoTrackPilot embodies the next logical step toward an autonomous vessel beyond autopilots (ROT controllers). argoTrackPilot ensures that the vessel remains on the guiding line during all weather and light conditions. The skipper is alleviated from tiring routine work during navigation. The skipper takes action only when necessary by choosing an appropriate offset to the guiding line.

Argonics ArgoTracoPilot


  • Stress reduction of the skipper
  • Safety improvement
  • Reduction of fuel consumption & material wear
  • Intuitive interface


  • Guiding lines adjustable by the skipper
  • Optimized guiding lines possible depending on loading conditions and water levels in order to lower fuel consumption
  • Easy adjustment of offset to guiding line for passing and meeting of other vessels
  • Predictive navigation through guiding line analysis
  • Interface to all commonly used autopilots: including the Titan-550 and Falcon-500 from Radio Zeeland
  • Less rudder action through predictive navigation
  • Small deviation from guiding line during all weather and light conditions
  • Result of 30 years of research and testing on various inland vessels
  • Perfectly suitable as an extension to all commonly used ECDIS: including the Periscal Inland ECDIS Viewer

argoTrackPilot is the only automatic track-keeping system worldwide which has been successfully launched on numerous inland vessels.

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